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Jeevanti Nava Rasa

Jeevanti Nava Rasa

All Natural Ingredients

Giloy, Kacchi Haldi, Tulsi,Lemon Grass, Pahadi Amla, Adrak, Shishoon(Stinging Nettle), Saunf, Mulethi

Nine medicinal herbs and spices carefully curated to supplement everyday health. The botanicals within this blend/kadha assist in relieving the body from seasonal infections and build innate immunity.

Tastes – Zesty, fresh, Sweet after taste

Feels – cleansed, refreshed

Benefits of Nava Rasa

Natural Immunity booster

Helps in early recovery from minor viral infection, sore throat, etc

Packed with Antioxidants, protecting against cell damage

Helps ease inflammation

Regular price Rs. 500.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 500.00
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